ATLA Foundations: Psychology

ATLA Foundations: Psychology

ATLA Foundations: Psychology

Our Psychology class uses a comprehensive forest-for-the-trees approach to provide students with a fundamental understanding of the myriad topics they can expect to cover in a year-long Psychology course. Each session will lay the informational groundwork for a particular topic (for example, the scientific foundations of psychology or the biological bases of behavior), while also providing students with tools for how best to approach the material in a practical sense. Students will be guided through how to engage thoughtfully in meaningful classroom discussion and how to take notes and study strategically. In some cases, students will be able to see how the particular subject matter being discussed can be employed in learning and understanding the material. It’s all central to how our minds work.



  • This online course runs from July 20 to August 14, 2020

    • Class meets for an hour on Mondays and Wednesdays and includes one hour-long office hour on Fridays for a total of 12 hours of instruction

    • Class size is limited to 10 students

  • The complete course costs $795

More Details

Download our ATLA Foundations Psychology brochure


Contact Us 

Call: 1.310.201.0116

Rob Conant

Rob Conant

Tutor of: SAT, ACT, LSAT, GRE, SSAT, ISEE, Bar Exam, ATLA Foundations, ATLA Psychology, ATLA High School Study Skills, ATLA College Study Skills

J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center.
A.B. in Psychology from Georgetown University.


