The $1000-an-hour super tutor

January 5, 2012

The London Evening Standard

by Will Orr-Ewing

In New York, tutoring is conceived of differently. To become a tutor is to choose a career, and it is a career choice as revered as other esteemed and competitive fields. Having been featured in the Tatler article myself and having already made important strides towards professionalising London's private tutoring industry, I went to New York to try to understand the key differences in our approaches...

And like law firms that conduct pro bono work, the tutoring profession appears similarly committed to public service, recognising education as a principal means to opportunity. More than 25 per cent of Advantage Testing's work is carried out on a pro bono basis, and it has formed the Advantage Testing Foundation to help talented students of modest means achieve their academic and professional goals.

Read the full article here